Post Jam Version

Post Jam Version:

- Changed Ability Selection UI:

    a. 2 Windows - 1. Select Slot, 2. Select Ability

    b. No more duplicating items

- Changed DeathScreen stats

- AddSlotsModifier actually working now (in the jam version it was only named this way but gave another stat...)

- Balance Changes:

    a. Orbs and Aura damage now scale with the game (Viable builds!?)

    b. Boss Scales with game and appears every last wave

    c. Adjusted Scaling values  (but that needs way more testing)

- Enemies have Shadows now!

- Reset button works! (or does it?)

- Enemies Colliders adjusted

- Enemies no longer have 2 colliders (it was messing up the piercing ability)

- Less shooting enemies  - around 80% melle/20% range enemies per wave

- Enemies have Hurt Sound

- Rewritten GameManger - No longer skipps waves/stages

- Works on mobile


LRA 0.0.5 - Jam 12 MB
22 days ago
LRA Play in browser
22 days ago

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